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Advertise with Us

Take Advantage of our Advertising Opportunities to promote your event or business on our website, facebook group, or newsletter blast to our audience and increase your exposure.

Submission Instructions

Advertising as an Event Calendar Post

Event Calendar Post:
– Includes one listing on the TAC calendar
– Your event will be included on the TAC calendar with direct links to your registration page.
– After the event date has passed, the event will be removed from the TAC calendar.

– Event information to be submitted as a Word doc
– Artwork to be submitted as .png or .jpeg files

Submission Instructions:
– Prepayment is required for all advertising content and will not be placed on the TAC website until payment has been received.
– All advertising content must be approved by advertiser prior to posting.
– All advertising must be reviewed by TAC prior to publication. TAC reserves the right to decline any advertising that does not support our mission, values, or code of conduct.

Once your order has been submitted and payment completed, TAC will reach out to confirm order information and provide instructions on how to submit artwork.



for one month

Advertising in an E-blast or Newsletter

Facebook Post:
– Includes one post on the TAC Facebook account.
– Post content will not be pinned.
– Post content will not be removed unless it is found to violate TAC’s mission, values, or code of conduct.

– Facebook post information to be less than 250 words and submitted as a Word doc.
– Artwork to be submitted as a .png or .jpeg file.

Submission Instructions:
– Prepayment is required for all advertising content and will not be placed on the TAC website until payment has been received.
– All advertising content must be approved by advertiser prior to posting.
– All advertising must be reviewed by TAC prior to publication. TAC reserves the right to decline any advertising that does not support our mission, values, or code of conduct.

Once your order has been submitted and payment completed, TAC will reach out to confirm order information and provide instructions on how to submit artwork.



for one month

Advertising on Homepage Side Box (per month)

Homepage Side Box:
– Includes artwork on the right column of the TAC homepage
– Includes direct link to your site
– Ad may rotate along with a max of 2 other ads

– Artwork max width is 188px and max height is 200px
– Artwork to be submitted as .jpeg or .png

Submission Instructions:
– Prepayment is required for all advertising content and will not be placed on the TAC website until payment has been received.
– All advertising content must be approved by advertiser prior to posting.
– All advertising must be reviewed by TAC prior to publication. TAC reserves the right to decline any advertising that does not support our mission, values, or code of conduct.

Once your order has been submitted and payment completed, TAC will reach out to confirm order information and provide instructions on how to submit artwork.



for one month

Advertising on Homepage Side Box (per year)

Homepage Side Box:
– Includes artwork on the right column of the TAC homepage
– Includes direct link to your site
– Ad may rotate along with a max of 2 other ads

– Artwork max width is 188px and max height is 200px
– Artwork to be submitted as .jpeg or .png

Submission Instructions:
– Prepayment is required for all advertising content and will not be placed on the TAC website until payment has been received.
– All advertising content must be approved by the advertiser prior to posting.
– All advertising must be reviewed by TAC prior to publication. TAC reserves the right to decline any advertising that does not support our mission, values, or code of conduct.

Once your order has been submitted and payment completed, TAC will reach out to confirm order information and provide instructions on how to submit artwork.



for one year