Asheville Wellness Practitioner Response – Volunteer and Donations Requested

This post was originally published on North Carolina Society of Acupuncture & Asian Medicine


Published: October 2, 2024

***Asking for help: locations, volunteers, donations for Wellness Response effort***

We know that traumatic stress is one of the primary causes of modern illness, and every member of the Western North Carolina community is experiencing that stress right now.

Now and in the coming weeks/months is our chance to step forward and help our community. Recovery from this catastrophe will be long, difficult, and folks of all stripes will need us to work together and help them get through this.

In times of crisis folks tend to say that “someone ought to do something”. In this situation, that someone is us. Let’s get it done.

Three ways to help what we’re doing now:

1. We are looking to connect with folks who have a restaurant/business located near/where people are congregating, in order to set up outdoor popup wellness care spots around Asheville to provide free traumatic stress relief care (acupuncture, bodywork, etc) to our community. We just need a space where people are already going and can see us, everything else we can bring in/out.

2. If you are a provider of any type of wellness care, please consider filling out information at this form to volunteer, we are hoping to get started treating people as soon as today:

3. If you are not a local practitioner and would like to help, I set up a GoFundMe to help us purchase supplies that we cannot get donated from the manufacturers. 100% of funds donated will be used solely for the effort of providing free care to help our community recover:…/healing-hands-for-our…

Thank you all

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